Cite an NIH publication in APA Style

Our template for APA style makes it easy to cite an NIH document. Many users think these should be cited as web pages but these types of documents are actually technical reports in ΓÇ£APAΓÇ¥ terminology. Take a look at this document as an example:

NIH publication example

NIH publication example

If you scroll to the bottom of the document you will see that the document has a publication number. You should cite this document by its NIH publication number rather than the web address.

NIH publication report number

NIH publication report number

To cite this document in Word click APA, More, Technical Report and enter the publication info in the Report ID field.

Citing an NIH document using Reference Point Software

Citing an NIH publication in Reference Point Software

Hint: use Ctrl-V to paste the report information into the entry form.

David Plaut, MS is the founder of Reference Point Software (RPS). RPS offers a complete suite of easy-to-use formatting template products featuring MLA and APA style templates, freeing up time to focus on substance while ensuring formatting accuracy. 


For more information about MLA or APA writing templates, contact us by email

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